


Call-In Show on the Moral Argument for God’s Existence

The moral argument is often seen as one of the most powerful arguments for God's existence. However, in order to understand its strength, one must begin with a solid understanding of the argument and the difference between objective and subjective... Continue Reading →

Gender, Marriage, and Sex: A Short Summary of What the Bible Teaches

This article was originally published on Advocates for Truth under the title Christian Basics: Gender, Marriage, and Sex. It can also be found at June is declared to be Pride month for the LGBTQ+ community. As such, gender, sex, and marriage are... Continue Reading →

Should Morality Be Legislated?

Christians are often told that they shouldn’t try to legislate morality and that they should keep religious values out of public policy. Sometimes it is phrased, “Christians shouldn’t force their values on others.” Just how true are these sentiments?

Making the Case for Life (with Megan Almon)

The abortion debate is one of the more controversial issues of our day, but this shouldn't keep us from discussing this important issue. It may seem overwhelming, but it comes down to one simple question, "What is the unborn?" As... Continue Reading →

Where do right and wrong come from?

The podcast this week is focusing on listener questions. The following two questions were sent in through email. "I was talking to a friend, and she asked where right and wrong come from. She said that something is wrong if... Continue Reading →

Transgender people in the Bible? YouTube Response Part 2

Part 2 is a look at the examples of transgender people in the Bible that were given in the following article and from discussions online. The article being discussed can be found here.

Is there such a thing as relative morality?

Are some aspects of morality relative or is it all objective?

Discussing Arguments from Pro-Choice Advocates

Over the last few weeks, I have heard quite a few terrible arguments with all of the talk surrounding abortion in our culture. These bad arguments include: It's a women's right to choose. Abortion should be legal if the unborn... Continue Reading →

How does God deal with sins that didn’t exist in the past?

If you are interested in having me speak at your church, camp, or youth group, click on the Endorsements & Speaking page to see my list of topics. Then, contact me at Speaking Requests or email me at You can select a topic from... Continue Reading →

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