

Questions of the Day

Should Christians smoke weed?

4 Ways Christianity is Unique Watch the full talk by Dr. Craig Hazen here.

Why doesn’t everyone recognize God as Creator?

We must not forget that our worldview often affects how we look at the evidence around us.

Should Christians pray for dead people?

3 Reasons Why People Don’t Believe In God

Did God really put two of every kind of animal on the Ark?

Links Mentioned: Was the Biblical Flood Local or Global? Interview with Krista Bontrager Is a local or global flood more plausible?

Where do you go when you doubt?

Why do I feel like I believe in God because of people and not God? When I feel I have a weak relationship with God and don't want to be a Christian anymore, people around me change my mind.

If God can’t do the logically impossible, how did he raise Jesus from the dead?

Students often have many questions once they learn that God being all-powerful does not mean that he has the power to do all things. What can't God do? God can't go against his nature or do what is logically impossible.... Continue Reading →

Do babies go to Heaven?

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