“In fact, of all the arguments for and against God’s existence (and I’ve heard them all) this is the most powerful I have encountered in support of the atheist position. A tour de force.”” – Michael Shermer, Publisher Skeptic Magazine

“One of the most powerful and yet simple arguments for atheism that has been developed in recent years.” — T. J. Mawson, Edgar Jones Fellow in Philosophy, St Peter’s College, Oxford University, author of Belief in God

Divine hiddenness is a problem that many people have to work through. Skeptics claim this is one of the best objections against God and in support of atheism. Today’s show will look at this argument, see where it breaks down, and provide a thoughtful theological and philosophical response.

Dr. Tim Stratton is a professor at Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary. As a former youth pastor, he is devoted to answering questions he first encountered from inquisitive teens in his church. Stratton is the founder of freethinkingministries.com and speaks on Church and college campuses around the country. He offers regular videos on the FreeThinking Ministries YouTube channel, and is the author of “Human Freedom, Divine Knowledge, and Mere Molinism.”

Content Discussed

  • 2:25 Today’s topic
  • 3:35 Where have you encountered the divine hiddenness argument?
  • 8:50 The logical and personal aspect of divine hiddenness
  • 13:48 Schellenberg’s formulation of the divine hiddenness argument and discussion of nonresistant nonbelievers
  • 18:00 Listener comment: “This is the worst argument against God.”
  • 23:10 Listener comment: We have eyewitnesses, so God isn’t hidden.
  • 25:50 How can we respond to the hiddenness argument?
  • 28:50 What is Molinism?
  • 34:41 How does Molinism undercut the hiddenness argument?
  • 55:25 Will anyone remain a nonresistant nonbeliever till death?
  • 1:03:08 God will make sure that those who would repent will have the opportunity.



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